
Showing posts from January, 2025

You are stronger

Image by Christophe from Pixabay You are stronger than you think.  Right now, you might be going through a problem, a challenge, a situation that feels awful that you want to run from. You can tell your friends about it but you have to live it yourself. It’s not fun. Every day the problem is there and it’s not going away.  You find ways to deal with it. But it’s hard because it keeps growing and it stays there. It’s affecting your mind and your health.  You can’t sleep. You struggle to eat. Your mind plays the thoughts over and over and it’s consuming you. You don’t know how to fix it. Because you can’t control it. You can only deal with it as each day it comes. It might change in different ways but it’s dirtier than ever. It plays hard and fast and you don’t know how to respond. You want to run but you know you can’t.  And then you do everything you can to stop it. To solve it. To fix it. You spend all your waking moments trying to think of new ways. It consumes yo...

Go exploring

Image by Joshua Woroniecki from Pixabay Sometimes, we can’t help being alone. Circumstances happen and we find ourselves alone and sometimes it’s quite frequent we are alone.  Alone time is fine and great sometimes. Although, when we are alone we tend to stay at home. Pot around and do what we feel like doing. And that is fine!  But sometimes, it’s too much and too long.  I suggest and hope you try this, is go out and explore a space. Either a place that you have been too before, because you know this place it will give you confidence to keep getting out and exploring. Or you could visit a new place and feel uplifted to explore a new space.  Whichever it is, go exploring! I have recently started a travel blog, so you can get inspired by my exploring adventures here: Have fun exploring! Aim for at least going out and exploring once a week. The natural good feeling vibe you will receive will be worth it. #exploring #u...

When you fall - Dose by Ciara

  Sourced video via:  I love this song, Dose by Ciara. It's such a up beat, motivational, uplifting song!  When you fall fall, just get back up again. It's such a simple testament. We are challenged every day. Every day. We think we are a failure that we fell. Absolutely not. Because you can always get back up. Dust yourself off and just keep going.  Sometimes it's hard, especially if mean people are putting mean words into your head. Don't believe them. You are absolutely cool, special and loved. Sometimes those people are the ones closest to us, which makes it even more shocking to take in and also it feels like you have to believe them, because they know you. But do they? You know yourself the best. Deep down, you know you.  Forget what they say. For every time what they say pops into your mind, add afterwards an affirmation. For example, if they say "You aren't pretty." Tell yourself immediately, "I am beautiful inside and out....