When you fall - Dose by Ciara


Sourced video via: www.youtube.com 

I love this song, Dose by Ciara. It's such a up beat, motivational, uplifting song! 

When you fall fall, just get back up again.

It's such a simple testament. We are challenged every day. Every day. We think we are a failure that we fell. Absolutely not. Because you can always get back up. Dust yourself off and just keep going. 

Sometimes it's hard, especially if mean people are putting mean words into your head. Don't believe them. You are absolutely cool, special and loved. Sometimes those people are the ones closest to us, which makes it even more shocking to take in and also it feels like you have to believe them, because they know you.

But do they?

You know yourself the best. Deep down, you know you. 

Forget what they say. For every time what they say pops into your mind, add afterwards an affirmation.

For example, if they say "You aren't pretty." Tell yourself immediately, "I am beautiful inside and out." If you want to even look in the mirror. It's just a simple technique. Say the opposite of what they are saying to you. It's can feel hard at first, especially if you believe what they are saying.

I have always thought, every one has at least one beautiful quality about them, find that in someone else and then look at yourself and find it in yourself. This is a powerful exercise, because your love for yourself should be greater than anyone else's misconception of you. 

I hope this has helped you today.

#inspiration #uplift



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