It’s ok to take a break
Image by congerdesign from Pixabay
Sometimes we just need a break. A day off to ourselves. A time to either do literally nothing and just brainstorm where we want our life to be and the steps to make it happen, as well timeframes to sit against those steps.
Or we just do what makes us happy.
Or both.
Sometimes, we just wake up or we go to bed stressed and wake up even more stressed. So giving yourself that day to just be with yourself will hopefully help.
If you are stressed, writing down absolutely everything that is niggling at you right now is a great technique to help you get it on paper and out of your thoughts. You can even write down the thoughts associated with the situation you are facing.
Other ways to release stress is to pump up in the fitness arena. It doesn’t have to be going to a gym to do weights, it can literally be just a walk. Listen to music and let your thoughts be. Sometimes when we are outside exercising our brain feels clearer and we can come up with some solutions to our challenges.
Other times, we need to pose the same question over and over before we can decide on what path to take. And that’s why thinking about the situation is ideal, writing it down is great because you can outline all the different paths and the challenges involved and find the pros and cons of each route before deciding on the pathway.
I always find that listening to music in the background matches my energy levels. So use music that is calming but not too sad to help you through your thought process. Sometimes pumped up music like pop and hip hop can also pull you out of the stressful thinking and help you relax enough to try and find a solution.
In addition, sometimes I find using my hands can help relax me. Personally, I like crocheting. Doing simple stitches over and over means I don’t have to focus on the activity but I can use my hands while brainstorming. You can see my crocheting projects on my hobbies blog here: You don’t have to crochet, just find an easy activity where you can use your hands to help release the nervous energy so you can focus on your thoughts.
Sometimes, and this can happen often. You can’t think of a solution. And I am here to say, that is ok. You don’t have to find the solution all the time. Sometimes you just have to acknowledge what the stress is. And then focus on relaxing techniques. This is where self-care comes in, like getting pampered or reading a wholesome book. What makes you feel good? Do more of that.
Also, talk with friends about your stressful situation and see what their take is. Sometimes, they might give their ideas to possible solutions or they may just listen and that might be enough for you to feel better.
Just remember, every body experiences ups and downs. Just focus on having a plan on how you will help yourself handle the situation.
#uplift #stress
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