Water Powers

Image sourced via: https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.r-Z8tUnpmPCNC_iyf1TXlwHaGu?rs=1&pid=ImgDetMain

Did you know that visiting the beach / pool / or just filling a bowl and playing with the water is soothing for your soul?

Try it. 

Have a nice bath. Lay, lather, and use your hands to play with the water around your body. Move your hands under the water slowly and then a bit faster. Change directions with your hands. Squeeze the water through your hands. Just play with it.

Did you notice something?

For a moment, you actually forgot to let your thoughts overwhelm you, and instead you lived in the moment. You let curiosity take over you.

What if you don't have a bath?

Fill a bowl. Fill the kitchen sink. Use cold water or if you live in a cold climate, use warm water. 

Do this daily for a week and then do it once a week. 

Be kind to yourself.

#water #waterhealing


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